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  • For mental health emergencies call our CSU: 1-800-609-2002
    Crisis Hotline: 1-800-609-2002

Support Adult Community Services (ACS)

As a community mental health center, Pawnee is the ONLY provider of community services for adults with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI).

Adult Community Services (ACS) provides support to adults with SPMI for the purpose of helping them manage the symptoms they experience, which in turn allows them to be active and contributing members of their community. Services provided by Pawnee staff include:

  • Benefits management – This service assists clients with identifying and applying for benefits for which they qualify.
  • Attendant care – Adults with SPMI receive assistance with tasks that may hinder their ability to live independently. This may include help with job skills, healthy eating, physical health maintenance, and other independent living skills.
  • Group sessions – Group sessions provide valuable social interaction and help clients practice skills they have learned to manage the symptoms they experience. In group sessions, the clients also have an opportunity to learn and practice their cooking skills.

Ways to support ACS

  1. Funding for food during our group sessions. In our group sessions, the participants learn about making healthy food choices and how to cook for themselves.  
  2. Arts and crafts supplies – Art therapy is helpful for both children and adults to express their emotions and creativity.  
  3. Community trips – The majority of clients involved in ACS have a very low socioeconomic status. Funding for activities such as visiting museums and zoos or even attending sporting or theatrical activities allows our clients to experience new activities with friends and staff ensuring they have a safe and positive experience.

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