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    Crisis Hotline: 1-800-609-2002

Youth Community Services (YCS)

For children with serious emotional disturbances (SED)   

Youth Community Services (YCS) is Pawnee’s comprehensive group of services and treatments
that support children and teens with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families.
Young people with SED have difficulty managing their emotions. They may internalize emotions
causing self-destructive behavior or externalize them by striking out at others. Pawnee Mental
Health offers individual/family therapy to help identify the feelings behind the behavior and
learn and practice new skills. The ultimate goal is for each individual to function at home, in school, and in the community to their maximum ability. With appropriate treatment and support, children and teens can overcome the challenges of their illnesses to lead happy, productive lives.

Case Management

The case manager helps the family coordinate all aspects of the child’s and adolescent’s care and ensures that services are goal oriented. Case managers find resources, manage crises, and coordinate with other agencies to make sure that a family is receiving the services needed with no gaps or duplications. Case managers also provide community psychiatric support treatment, which is a face-to-face intervention with the child or adolescent focused on the management of their mental health symptoms.

SED Waiver

Some families qualify for a SED Waiver, which covers the cost of many of the YCS programs. Pawnee’s staff helps families apply for the waiver and understand how it works.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation  

This is provided to children and adolescents in either a group or individual setting. Activities are selected to build social skills, teach problem-solving, and help the child or adolescent identify their own strengths, interests, and abilities. Individuals are taught how to use the skills learned in other settings such as home, school, and community.

Community Based School Support

Pawnee and school districts work together to provide services to children and adolescents
with SED. Community-based School Supports are available by agreement among family, school, and Pawnee. The school provides the space and teaching staff while Pawnee provides mental health support.

Respite Care

For families with a SED waiver, we offer respite care. Respite care pairs our clients with Respite Care Providers for after-school or weekend sessions. Respite care provides our clients with a pre-planned break while allowing their families to recharge and focus on other family members.

Crisis Services

If a crisis occurs, Pawnee’s youth support staff may be able to provide services to assist and support the de-escalation of the crisis, as well as possible use of the crisis house in Concordia based upon need, therapeutic approval, and accessibility.

How to access Youth Community Services

To schedule an intake assessment, call your local Pawnee office. Our staff will work with you to find an appointment time. Emergency and crisis situations will receive immediate attention.


Pawnee is an approved Medicaid and Medicare provider and bills other health insurance. Children
who are not covered by insurance or whose insurance does not cover YCS services are eligible for a reduced fee based on family size and income or may qualify for SED waiver funding.

Youth Community Services Staff

Becky Woodward, LSCSW, LCAC
Becky Woodward
Chief Clinical Officer
Shelli Schottler, LMSW
Shelli Schottler, LMSW
Community Services Director
Terra Upham-Reich, LCP
Terra Upham-Reich, LCP
Community Services Assistant Director
Gabrielle Mayers
Gabrielle Mayers
Eastern Region Supervisor
Gilletta Molleker, BS
Gilletta Molleker, BS
Western Region Supervisor
Annelle Lemoine, MSW
Annelle Lemoine, MSW
YCS Community Based Therapist
Nicole Wilson, LMSW
Nicole Wilson, LMSW
YCS Community Based Therapist